The Klaveness Group is a certified sustainable company. We continuously try to meet the higher social and environmental demands standards and consistently reinforce our current sustainable corporate practices to implement new processes and procedures. Therefore, we apply to get sustainability certifications in all the countries we operate in.
All Klaveness Footwear companies have been certified eco-friendly.
The solar panels in our production facility in Portugal self-generated over 40% of the electricity needs, making shoe production even more sustainable.
Below, you can find more information about the different certifications Klaveness has acquired.
In Norway, Klaveness Footwear AS runs a Quality Management System with this Quality Policy (EN) and is certified under the ISO 9001 Quality Management System.
In Portugal, Klaveness Footwear SA is certified under the ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems (PT, EN) and the ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems.
In Sweden, Klaveness Footwear AB
is Svensk Miljöbas approved.

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